...God cares about pumpkins!

Another time in the food bank, it was nearing the time of hallowe'en - not my favourite 'celebration' time of the year for sure, and we'd been receiving a few pumpkins from some of the local supermarkets.

We didn't know what to do with them, and actually debated throwing them out, or cutting them up for people to make pumpkin pie with or something.  I really did not want to give them out whole, knowing that the people would possible be using them as hallowe'en decorations, giving honour to a celebration that did NOT give glory and honour to God.  

However, i didn't have time to actually worry about it, so we just prayed, left it in the Lord's hands to work it out, and carried on with the rest of our day.

A few hours later, a young mother came into my office in tears, holding one of the pumpkins in her hands.  

She began to explain that her daughter had been asking her to buy a pumpkin for a few weeks, and she had no money to buy a pumpkin, and had been hoping that maybe, just maybe, there might be a pumpkin at the food bank.  She'd even told her daughter to pray and ask Jesus for a pumpkin.  She'd really not held out much hope that there would be one, knowing that we were a Christian food bank, but here she was, holding her pumpkin!

She was so grateful, knowing how happy her daughter would be, that i rejoiced in the Lord with her, pondering this God we serve, who is so kindly towards His children, that He even supplies the needs of those who are celebrating an occasion that brings Him NO glory.

I like to think, however, that God took the glory away from the enemy of our souls, by showing His love towards this little girl, and her mother, and supplying their deepest hearts desire - because of that, I gave Him all the glory then, and still do now, as i consider HOW much He really does love us.

It's kind of like a dad or mom, who has no real love for the music that their child listens to, but, knowing how happy the present will make the child, buys, wraps up, and gives that music CD to their child. 
It's an unselfish gift of love, just to see that child joyful, no matter how much that parent disagrees with the content.  God, You just amaze me.  Oh, how You love us!

It's also an act of a God who is very comfortable in His identity - He is not threatened by occasions where He is not glorified, because He knows who He is!  

Sort of like a husband who knows that his wife loves him, and is very comfortable with her dancing with other men at a wedding or other occasion, because He knows that she's going home with him!   

That's what this act of love reminds me of.  The act of a God who is not even the least bit threatened by His enemy, because He knows that the Bride goes home with Him!